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Monday 20 June 2011

Offside- short film

The film opens with two guys who seem to be friends or relatives

Nikki is a girl who lives the life of pure loneliness but no one knows about it because she hides it.
She is living with no purpose however she is a bright child but she doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life because of the past events that had happened to her. 
The Character in Kidult hood (…….) she gets bullied in school for no particular reasons and gets beaten up in class by girls. This is what leads her committing suicide because no one cares about her. Family finds a while after reading the letter and seeing their daughter hanged herself in her room. Also comparing to this character in a music video called Stole by Kelly Rowland she plays the same role as our character.
In the music video the character gets bullied in school by many people and that’s exactly what happens to Nikki further in the film as well. At a point he can’t take it anymore so he decides to go the toilets and shoots himself. A girl, who is alluded to have known the boy, walks by and hears the shooting, goes into the bathroom, finds his body and calls the police. Rowland explains that after his death many of his classmates mentioned either never talking to the boy or treating him like an outsider.]
We were influenced by High School Musical and also we included it because it’s our daily life style and that’s what would have attracted our audience which is teens and young adults.
Having a build up and keeping the audience in suspense throughout the film was a priority for us.
There are things our audience would have expected from our genre but we twisted it around about so that it wasn’t so predictable like GLEE, High School Musical, Sister Act 2, Freedom writers.  These are all films that are based around the school drama and have teenagers involved.
The elements we used in the whole sequence made the whole point of our sequence successful but from researching the school drama thriller genre we noticed that not only did the audience appreciate the mystery and twists of the films, but they also expect and want to see some unexpected shots and not them casual long shots, so we delivered that to them.

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