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Sunday 19 June 2011

Little Miss Sunshine

Olive the girl that we meet in the opening shot I directly looking into the camera in a very close up shot and we can see her eyes and glasses and in her glasses there is a reflection of the TV now this already shows that girl is young and very curious and has a lot ahead of her. Now the opening already shows that this girl has her start of her life journey and is out to find out as much as she can. Now the music playing throughout the clip builds up when the scene is getting more into the story so at the beginning we hear that the music is at medium paste and very gentle.
The character (Dad) who we can see standing up and is complaining seems to have the highest authority in the house because the camera shot is positioned at low mid shot which shows that he is looking down at the family and that represents some kind of power now him complaining about the food their having kind of builds up the idea of what kind of character he is and the fact that he is probably living with them shows that his life wasn't that great. Now how this character builds up the tension of something that's going to happen and its going to change a lot of things around.

The uncle is looking up at the boy and the camera is positioned in mid shot from behind the boy so we can see that the uncle is talking to him yet he is standing up but the relationship ain't strong at all because he didn't attempt to talk to his uncle. Now when the family is at table and the girl brings up something about her uncle out of curiosity it changes the whole mood of what was there before. Now the uncle wanted to kill himself and everyone already knew except the girl but it brought a lot of arguing for a couple of seconds. The music is very low at this moment which means that the scene was very important and that something was going to happen however when Olive found out about her uncle it changed her mood into a confused, surprised and curious mode. And through out that scene the music goes very dull which shows that what's going on is very irrelevant for most of the family.

Mother doesn't seem to be in the mood at all because we see a close up shot of her face and we can see that she just cant be asked to be going through all this process.

Young guy just doesn't care at all because when the camera positions at a mid long shot we can see him eating his food. Now when he dad mentions about Little Miss Sunshine
everything changes around because the phone call they got turned things around and ended up making the family go on some kind of road trip to his Little Miss Sunshine event.
Olive turns all joyful because she is jumping and screams out loud once she heard about the call. Now its on that the whole family goes to this event for Olive's sake and this is were the main journey starts because to me the rite of passage is really that the family doesn't get on well with each other at all and that they have many problems with each other however after this phone call the enlightenment comes because now they come together and go on the same journey in one car so things are going to change.

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