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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Interview On Hancock

What's your name & what do you do?

Well I don't really care but these people call me "Hancock" but I don see why they call me this name I Have wondered sometimes but never bothered asking. I see my self in the newspapers at times and that's how I knew that they named me Hancock. What I do ? Erm *What do I do?* Well I love my drinks and I love my sleeps but doing anything special .... Naaah unless your talking about beating these bad ass guys that just get on my nerves and that the police can't handle them selves. Sometimes these people around just call for help but I just do it so I can go back to sleep peacefully.

What do you like/interests ?
I surely don't like these idiots around me but any ways I love my red wines , whisky and vodka. Also I enjoy some Kentucky fried chicken with some doughnuts and coke with some skittles. My personal favourite is spaghetti bolognese but I don't get that so often so I leave it to it. My sleeps are the best because I feel free from this world in my dreams and no one can change anything.
I love my benches that I sleep on because that's all I got any way and along side that i got these unusual powers to fly and I am ultra strong but I will touch on that later.

What do you dislike?
I hate these people , I hate my life and everything about it because I know nothing about myself so it doesn't really matter by the end of the day . I have no stable home so outside here is my life but I have no fear what so ever because no one can stop me because people are scared of me and I have noticed through there reactions but I don't really care.

Why is your personality like this?
Like what? This is how it is and I don't have anything within me that will change any time soon because I have to survive out here by myself with no one's help but my own powers which are of very good use and that's why I feel save. After reading the papers last week I noticed that people call me cocky but honestly I am just brave and I will not hesitate to do anything. I know I am very intelligent because I can drink and fly at the same time but that's the usual I do.

What your environment like?
I live in the city and I cant remember how I got here but someone must have placed me here because I know that this is not my birth place but I cant remember anything from the past. I always stay near to shops to get my booze in the morning and afternoon. I always search for the most comfortable looking benches even if its in the park or something. All these bright colours from the talk buildings do keep me happy at times but then these people got to piss me off. This city is very small for my likings but something is making me stay here for some strange reason I just cant figure it out.

What was your child hood like?
Really man , I cant remember anything of my childhood I don't even know what childhood is.
I just want to find out why I have super powers and why I can do some much that these people can't I have seen kids with parents but I dont even know if I had a family.

People call you a bad super hero?
Well I don't consider myself me anything but when I do give these people a little hand of help all I get is a damn thank you and they always tell me I did it wrong. This bad super hero doesn't belong to me because I know I am not bad and I certainly aint a hero so all this talks doesn't concern me.

Why do you feel like when you had to change?
Well I hated it because I told you at first that I don't listen to any one so for me to be told what to do is a first and its really hard for me because I am not a listener. I am a man of action and that's all I have ever been can you imagine they want me to say Well done to the police forces but they can't even fight to save their own lives. Pathetic!

This interview gave me a great idea on how to great a believing character and how they would respond to certain things. In our production we will have to make a believing character who fits into his world and how things occur around him

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