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Thursday 16 June 2011

Cinema Paradiso

We open up with a view from a young boy and his father in a room and the boy is functioning about with a camera film and straight away I get the idea of this boy becoming involved around the cinematic area because the kind of view we have is that when a child starts a talent or hobby from young there is a high chance of them becoming something with it when they grow up. The boy and his father are the people that work behind the showing of the film so this already gives us a clue that the boy has interest in the cinema area and that he is going to carry it on further in the future.

From the beginning the music that is played through out is very gentle and kind of jolly / loving and that's what this film is many about and the song itself has a nice gentle violin playing throughout and it makes it so peaceful and brings around the vibe of a nice loving & adventurous film to the audience.
Now us thinking that cinema is his only first love the clip cuts into when he's grown up which is part of the editing because they didn't show any steps of his growing up it just went straight to it and the narrator himself says "unforgettable romance" which then changes our perspective around because there is an girl involved which is most probably his first lady love so then 2 loves play a role in his life.

The fades that we see in this trailer of the couple kissing and then the boy running up the stairs and the knocking at the door is showing how he has this incredible love and affection for this girl because its his first lady love and he would chase her just the way he would for his cinema love.
And we see more edit uses of cut in when the girl is departing away in the car and then the boy is all depressed and lonely. When he is sitting by himself in the corner in that dark little area we can tell that this boy really lost this girl that he loved with all his heart.
And the only way he can look back at her is by using is skills that he has used from the cinema works to play back recorded clips of her.
Now comparing this rites of passage in contrast to Y tu mama tambien there is a lot we can say because the way Y tu mama tambien is set out is very extraordinary and even the story line is different. The first love these 2 teenager seem to meet is this older woman and they both seem to have some kind of feelings for her and its expressed to various ways in this clip but if we compare it we can see that the editing in these clips are very different because the editing in Y tu mama tambien shows how they went through the stage to the stage to end up on this road trip and it didn't wizz though it as fast as it did in Paradiso. And Y tu mama tambien is very wild and exposing because they are like Ferris more of the fun and crazy type of teenagers were by in Paradiso when he was a teen he was more calm and more into the romance scene but the first love in Y tu mama tambien and Paradiso really repel eachother because they are both shown in different ways like for instance the music that plays in Y tu mama tambien doesnt seem to evolve around love or romance or anything jolly at all but in Paradiso it does now in Y tu mama tambien the music is more of "go crazy , live your life" kinda music and that what makes one of them very different.

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