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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Interview On Robin

So who are you & what's your purpose?

I am Robin and people see me as Batman's side kick but  I don't consider myself anything like that because he is like my older brother and I look up to him and help him with crime. I am genuine and I love to make paintings and  go on adventures. I am considered as a young man compared to batman because I recently just dropped out of Uni to take on this life of saving people. My main purpose is to do what batman does but not as advanced he is still teaching me how to fight crime at its best point and also how to over come fears.

What kind of relationship do Batman & You have?
Good Question and I can simple say that were are like brothers/bestfriends because everything in hand we discuss unless Batman is being a bit weird but we developed this tight relationship bind that no one can break except our selves. Batman made me become Robin and he told me I was ideal for this kind of job so I joined him by dropping Uni and so its all good. I would never want to loose him for anything on the grounds that I got a lot but anything like Batman I don't have at all.

Would Batman be as Herotic with out you?
Well I can't really tell because everyone can use a second hand of help and I see myself at Batman's main man who he can trust and work along with but if I was not there with him im sure he would be as great as he is now because he's my role model and he's capable of making things working & successeed on his own.

Do you fight crime a lot?
Aaah this is the type of questions I love well , Batman and me fight crime like everyday because everyday some one has to do something silly and the police department is always out to call batman for help but obviously I come along as well. The Joker is really a big matter at the moment he is advancing in his silly tricks which the citizen are falling for but we need to save them from his traps.
There a lot of bank robberies  and people getting robbed going on but Batman and me got it under control because we end up saving the day. There has been times that Batman sent me out to go do a task which involved me fighting against criminals and he was at the other side operating to  deactivate the bomb they attached to the building.

If you was in Batman's position and he was in yours what would you do?

Wow I actually never thought of that because I have always seen myself in the position I am in now but in that case I would do what Batman does which is being a loyal super hero and serve the citizens by helping them prevent cime but I would probably do more and I would get him in my shoes more involved with all the actions that happen.

What do you dislike?
Im not such a fan of all this technical like Laptops , Mp3's etc but I love my simple books and magazines just the easy sources because thats what I grew from. Im not old at all but I just prefer them and all the normal things. I dislike very cocky people which Batman can be at times and I dislike when people dont appreciate the things Batman & Me done for them. Further more I havent got any fears except for seeing people suffer in pain.

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