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This is my Media Blogg and I will be showing forth the best works of my abilty and I hope you enjoy my page. Thank You

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Interview On Robin

So who are you & what's your purpose?

I am Robin and people see me as Batman's side kick but  I don't consider myself anything like that because he is like my older brother and I look up to him and help him with crime. I am genuine and I love to make paintings and  go on adventures. I am considered as a young man compared to batman because I recently just dropped out of Uni to take on this life of saving people. My main purpose is to do what batman does but not as advanced he is still teaching me how to fight crime at its best point and also how to over come fears.

What kind of relationship do Batman & You have?
Good Question and I can simple say that were are like brothers/bestfriends because everything in hand we discuss unless Batman is being a bit weird but we developed this tight relationship bind that no one can break except our selves. Batman made me become Robin and he told me I was ideal for this kind of job so I joined him by dropping Uni and so its all good. I would never want to loose him for anything on the grounds that I got a lot but anything like Batman I don't have at all.

Would Batman be as Herotic with out you?
Well I can't really tell because everyone can use a second hand of help and I see myself at Batman's main man who he can trust and work along with but if I was not there with him im sure he would be as great as he is now because he's my role model and he's capable of making things working & successeed on his own.

Do you fight crime a lot?
Aaah this is the type of questions I love well , Batman and me fight crime like everyday because everyday some one has to do something silly and the police department is always out to call batman for help but obviously I come along as well. The Joker is really a big matter at the moment he is advancing in his silly tricks which the citizen are falling for but we need to save them from his traps.
There a lot of bank robberies  and people getting robbed going on but Batman and me got it under control because we end up saving the day. There has been times that Batman sent me out to go do a task which involved me fighting against criminals and he was at the other side operating to  deactivate the bomb they attached to the building.

If you was in Batman's position and he was in yours what would you do?

Wow I actually never thought of that because I have always seen myself in the position I am in now but in that case I would do what Batman does which is being a loyal super hero and serve the citizens by helping them prevent cime but I would probably do more and I would get him in my shoes more involved with all the actions that happen.

What do you dislike?
Im not such a fan of all this technical like Laptops , Mp3's etc but I love my simple books and magazines just the easy sources because thats what I grew from. Im not old at all but I just prefer them and all the normal things. I dislike very cocky people which Batman can be at times and I dislike when people dont appreciate the things Batman & Me done for them. Further more I havent got any fears except for seeing people suffer in pain.

Interview On Hancock

What's your name & what do you do?

Well I don't really care but these people call me "Hancock" but I don see why they call me this name I Have wondered sometimes but never bothered asking. I see my self in the newspapers at times and that's how I knew that they named me Hancock. What I do ? Erm *What do I do?* Well I love my drinks and I love my sleeps but doing anything special .... Naaah unless your talking about beating these bad ass guys that just get on my nerves and that the police can't handle them selves. Sometimes these people around just call for help but I just do it so I can go back to sleep peacefully.

What do you like/interests ?
I surely don't like these idiots around me but any ways I love my red wines , whisky and vodka. Also I enjoy some Kentucky fried chicken with some doughnuts and coke with some skittles. My personal favourite is spaghetti bolognese but I don't get that so often so I leave it to it. My sleeps are the best because I feel free from this world in my dreams and no one can change anything.
I love my benches that I sleep on because that's all I got any way and along side that i got these unusual powers to fly and I am ultra strong but I will touch on that later.

What do you dislike?
I hate these people , I hate my life and everything about it because I know nothing about myself so it doesn't really matter by the end of the day . I have no stable home so outside here is my life but I have no fear what so ever because no one can stop me because people are scared of me and I have noticed through there reactions but I don't really care.

Why is your personality like this?
Like what? This is how it is and I don't have anything within me that will change any time soon because I have to survive out here by myself with no one's help but my own powers which are of very good use and that's why I feel save. After reading the papers last week I noticed that people call me cocky but honestly I am just brave and I will not hesitate to do anything. I know I am very intelligent because I can drink and fly at the same time but that's the usual I do.

What your environment like?
I live in the city and I cant remember how I got here but someone must have placed me here because I know that this is not my birth place but I cant remember anything from the past. I always stay near to shops to get my booze in the morning and afternoon. I always search for the most comfortable looking benches even if its in the park or something. All these bright colours from the talk buildings do keep me happy at times but then these people got to piss me off. This city is very small for my likings but something is making me stay here for some strange reason I just cant figure it out.

What was your child hood like?
Really man , I cant remember anything of my childhood I don't even know what childhood is.
I just want to find out why I have super powers and why I can do some much that these people can't I have seen kids with parents but I dont even know if I had a family.

People call you a bad super hero?
Well I don't consider myself me anything but when I do give these people a little hand of help all I get is a damn thank you and they always tell me I did it wrong. This bad super hero doesn't belong to me because I know I am not bad and I certainly aint a hero so all this talks doesn't concern me.

Why do you feel like when you had to change?
Well I hated it because I told you at first that I don't listen to any one so for me to be told what to do is a first and its really hard for me because I am not a listener. I am a man of action and that's all I have ever been can you imagine they want me to say Well done to the police forces but they can't even fight to save their own lives. Pathetic!

This interview gave me a great idea on how to great a believing character and how they would respond to certain things. In our production we will have to make a believing character who fits into his world and how things occur around him

Short Film - Hard Labour

What is the key message/messages here?
How does the film maker get this point across to use
using: Narrative , Location , Cinematography & All Technical aspects

We hear this open with tragic music which already creates the idea that its going to be something tragic and sad.

Short Film - The First time it hits

What is the key message/messages here?
How does the film maker get this point across to use
using: Narrative , Location , Cinematography & All Technical aspects

The film starts with very quick shots of the characters features and  locations of possibly were the character will be going or are currently at.
We dont get the narrative of the story until we see the character falling in love with the female character and its not as easily told whats going to happen until we reach the end of the actuall clip.
The rite of passage is of the young skater boy falling in love with this "bad girl" that he sees for the first time which is more known as love at first sight and because he is blinded by love at that moment of time he gets an idea to impress her by attempting to jump over her with his skateboard and look very cool for that and most likely win her heart with it.
The skater boy him self is really shown as a boy who hasn't got much to do and just goes around skate boarding with no motive.
There is no dialogue in this film what so ever so it lets us an audience concentrate more on whats actually happening in the shots so the mise - en - scene and their body language/facial expressions.
Neither is there any colour in this clip (black&white)  we only see colour when anything of love is expressed so in one scene we saw a love heart and that was in red which symbolizes love and passion.
Now when both characters are facing each other we get a close shot - reverse - shot of how they are both reaction towards each other.

Short Film - Stripes

What is the key message/messages here?
How does the film maker get this point across to use
using: Narrative , Location , Cinematography & All Technical aspects

Stripes has one of the best short film narratives that I have ever seen and its rite of passage is when the black man walks onto him in his house  and changes everything around in his own house. The black character came for revenge for all the pure bullying the white man did to him 15 years ago and the white character is very confused and just didn’t notice that it was that bad but he doesn’t mean it and that’s make the black character physically hurt him to make him feel pain.
We see that the white character is living his normal happy life and seems to be of middle working class which is a good living standard. The narrative is very simple but shown in a very expressive way because we can see what both the characters are going through facial expressions and body language + dialogue.
Touching on dialogue both of their dialogue is very aggressive and depressing because of there different emotions they are going through at that moment of time.
The location which is the white characters house looks very fashionable and when he's in the kitchen we get a quick view of what his kitchen looks like and from that view we can tell that the rest of the house would most probably be better looking. And when the black character comes into his house and violates him in his own house on the grounds that he did the same thing to the black character but worse.
Everything in the house is very bright and because it’s in a house it shows that they are isolated from the outside world so everything and anything that happens in there is between them two. When they are both speaking we can see that the background is very blurred and concentrated on the characters speaking and the camera shot was very close up to see every detail on the characters face.
The black character directly brought the thoughts of some one who is kind of ruff and rowdy because his beard Is full on grown no shape and no fade and that already tells us that he isn’t living on the bright side of life were as the white character has it all good until the black character changed things around for a few minutes.

There is no off screen sounds which also shows that they are the only one’s around in the house and this springs fear into the white character and we see a rolling camera shot which defines the lack of clarity and it creates more fear.  When the black character tells the white character what he caused 15 years and how we bullied him and gave him silly names that hurt him and for the past 5 years he’s been depressed, angry and miserable.
The blurred edit shows that the white character hasn’t been able to see what he did against the black character and it could also represent the white characters own view because the black character had beaten him up so that he would be calm but he was bleeding and this could have affected his eye sigh so it could be the reason for him seeing things blurry and he kept o asking who the black character was at the beginning because he didn’t know.
All the closes up shots really are affective because we can see very close facial expressions and from that we can pick out what feeling is pumping through their veins.

Monday 20 June 2011

Offside- short film

The film opens with two guys who seem to be friends or relatives

Nikki is a girl who lives the life of pure loneliness but no one knows about it because she hides it.
She is living with no purpose however she is a bright child but she doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life because of the past events that had happened to her. 
The Character in Kidult hood (…….) she gets bullied in school for no particular reasons and gets beaten up in class by girls. This is what leads her committing suicide because no one cares about her. Family finds a while after reading the letter and seeing their daughter hanged herself in her room. Also comparing to this character in a music video called Stole by Kelly Rowland she plays the same role as our character.
In the music video the character gets bullied in school by many people and that’s exactly what happens to Nikki further in the film as well. At a point he can’t take it anymore so he decides to go the toilets and shoots himself. A girl, who is alluded to have known the boy, walks by and hears the shooting, goes into the bathroom, finds his body and calls the police. Rowland explains that after his death many of his classmates mentioned either never talking to the boy or treating him like an outsider.]
We were influenced by High School Musical and also we included it because it’s our daily life style and that’s what would have attracted our audience which is teens and young adults.
Having a build up and keeping the audience in suspense throughout the film was a priority for us.
There are things our audience would have expected from our genre but we twisted it around about so that it wasn’t so predictable like GLEE, High School Musical, Sister Act 2, Freedom writers.  These are all films that are based around the school drama and have teenagers involved.
The elements we used in the whole sequence made the whole point of our sequence successful but from researching the school drama thriller genre we noticed that not only did the audience appreciate the mystery and twists of the films, but they also expect and want to see some unexpected shots and not them casual long shots, so we delivered that to them.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Interesting Film Makers

Interesting Film Makers
Films makers create a believable world + believable character to various was now one way there is through characters because what film makers so is they look at society and they make characters according to our perspectives so for example we would expect a white person in a suite to be an important & respected person but nowadays film makers challenge that content because we have new films out like Avatar & Pirates of the Caribbean’s and yet these characters that are in the film are believable.

Is Anybody There

The rites of passage that this film addresses is that Michael Caine (Magician) retired and was send to a old people's home but couldn't survive a day there because he isn't use to that kind of life style however there is a young boy who is his grandson and then his grandson asks about him now his dad tells him that he's his granddad. And from there they started talking and what made the real change is that he convinced his granddad to start his magician work again and as for there boy he seemed like the type that didn't live for much and didn't have as much friends either so something like magic tricks would be a good impression to make new friends.

This were they build a strong relationship and the boy's life changes because he is now in a tight relationship with his granddad who also decides to teach him magic tricks and these tricks as we can see wowed some of the people around him which probably made him more friends than before. Which would have been a life changing experience for me to be making more friends plus having his granddad as his own personal best friend.
Also for the Granddad himself he experienced a rite of passage because of him meeting his grandson he finds a better way of living his life than staying at the care home. And this boy really challenges his granddad to do things that he did long ago but they seem to work perfectly fine and this makes there rite of passage a very big experience.

The granddad talks to this woman and expresses how he feels about coming into this old people's home and by his dialogue we can tell that he hates it and the fact that he is telling that woman shows that he has some kind of relationship with her to be sharing them kind of thoughts. By the woman's face reaction she is shocked but also feels sorry for him on the grounds that she does know that what he said is actually true. He looks directly into her eyes and pours his heart out about the situation.

The same woman then has the young boy sitting on her lap and tells him that he has all these old people and their amazing stories which basically means that he should appreciate who they are and that image of child sitting on woman's lap shows love , care and protection so some how they might be family or just have a very tight relationship.

Now the main relationship is the boy and the old man because they go through the main rite of passage and it all happens at the same point when they met each other because for the boy it was a new experience to meet his granddad and finding out that he is a magician. They start to relate to each other and build up a strong relationship its like Father & Son that's how close they get and the granddad teaches his a few magic tricks which helps the boy to make more friends and wow more people but before he could get his granddad to do that he had to convince his granddad and show him that he believe in him.
And because this relationship between them was building so strong it made the granddad decide to go back to doing his magical works + teach the boy some tricks.
From the old man's perspective we can say that the boy changed a few thing around for him because the boy gave him a better lifestyle and he also had that believe in him that he could go back to doing his magical works. There relationship kept on building up to the next level and made there lives change a lot.

Little Miss Sunshine

Olive the girl that we meet in the opening shot I directly looking into the camera in a very close up shot and we can see her eyes and glasses and in her glasses there is a reflection of the TV now this already shows that girl is young and very curious and has a lot ahead of her. Now the opening already shows that this girl has her start of her life journey and is out to find out as much as she can. Now the music playing throughout the clip builds up when the scene is getting more into the story so at the beginning we hear that the music is at medium paste and very gentle.
The character (Dad) who we can see standing up and is complaining seems to have the highest authority in the house because the camera shot is positioned at low mid shot which shows that he is looking down at the family and that represents some kind of power now him complaining about the food their having kind of builds up the idea of what kind of character he is and the fact that he is probably living with them shows that his life wasn't that great. Now how this character builds up the tension of something that's going to happen and its going to change a lot of things around.

The uncle is looking up at the boy and the camera is positioned in mid shot from behind the boy so we can see that the uncle is talking to him yet he is standing up but the relationship ain't strong at all because he didn't attempt to talk to his uncle. Now when the family is at table and the girl brings up something about her uncle out of curiosity it changes the whole mood of what was there before. Now the uncle wanted to kill himself and everyone already knew except the girl but it brought a lot of arguing for a couple of seconds. The music is very low at this moment which means that the scene was very important and that something was going to happen however when Olive found out about her uncle it changed her mood into a confused, surprised and curious mode. And through out that scene the music goes very dull which shows that what's going on is very irrelevant for most of the family.

Mother doesn't seem to be in the mood at all because we see a close up shot of her face and we can see that she just cant be asked to be going through all this process.

Young guy just doesn't care at all because when the camera positions at a mid long shot we can see him eating his food. Now when he dad mentions about Little Miss Sunshine
everything changes around because the phone call they got turned things around and ended up making the family go on some kind of road trip to his Little Miss Sunshine event.
Olive turns all joyful because she is jumping and screams out loud once she heard about the call. Now its on that the whole family goes to this event for Olive's sake and this is were the main journey starts because to me the rite of passage is really that the family doesn't get on well with each other at all and that they have many problems with each other however after this phone call the enlightenment comes because now they come together and go on the same journey in one car so things are going to change.


In Juno
We discover that the whole trailer follows a rite of passage because there is a girl who discovers after her test that she is pregnant and from there he journey of change starts. She lets her parents know but they don't seem to react too shocked and her father asked who the baby daddy was but seemed to overlook the whole situation as something they expected to happen sooner or later. Then she decides to take the step of giving her baby away in our world scenario the girl would have aborted it or kept it herself however all this process is making her more mature and she is realising the hard side of life yet she having with alongside as well. And everything around her changes her school life and social life turn around because of this happening , she is a confused girl which is natural because she hasn't been in this situation before and she has to find someone that will actually love her and take care of her & the baby . Now this a major step from a teenage school girl to a young lady that's pregnant and everything around her changes.
The music playing really does bring of the idea of "rite of passage" because it sounds like a adventure kind of sound it also sounds like some kind of farm song. This shows the stages she is going through from the start till the end of the journey.

The way this film deals with teenage pregnancy is something I would never expect because her dad didn't even while out or get angry and as for her mother she seemed very casual with it and they both state how they ain't surprised and they fully backing her up as well which revealed to me that this film is showing teenage pregnancy in a very different order.
Her Father fully supports her and tells her how she should find a boy that will really love her unlike the baby dad and he even goes with her to the couple's house that were looking for a baby to adopt. In my eyes this reaction and support of the pregnancy is really full hearted and loving which isn't what really happens in our today's world.
Juno even does things that I wouldn't expect an pregnant girl to do like driving, lying on her car front , playing guitar etc..
All this shocks me because the times we live in reactions like this are unlikely to happen.

Friday 17 June 2011

Y Tu Mama Tambien

The first characters we meet in the trailer are two teenagers who are straight away represented at the "typical" rowdy , crazy and out going teenagers because we see them jumpin in there room with a bottle in their hand which most likely would have been alchohol. Also they are extremely making a kissing scene in a public area which is an airport and next we catch them playing in the supermarket so straight away there two characters are shown forth as very crazy teens. We see them smoking , driving and the text that slide in through out the trailer show us that they live a different life because after each saying of text there is a bit shown were the text is explained by the actual clip.
Next we meet a older looking woman who is catches both the friends eyes and they decide to go talk to her. She is a very beautiful and calm woman as we meet her at first and she has this kind of gentle touch in her behaviour because she walks around very high minded.
And she has a very suprised facial expression when the friends start talking to her showing us that she hasnt met people like them before which then means she is most likely of higher class and doesnt associate with their class of people or maybe they are from the same class but just act in a different way towards things because the friends do seem to be boys with a good standard of living.

The story line of this is basically two teenagers go to a wedding a meet this woman that they want to impress and they tell her that they are going on a road trip so they ask her to come along with her and from there the journey begins.

Story Plot : Abandoned by their girlfriends for the summer, teenagers Tenoch and Julio meet the older Luisa at a wedding. Trying to be impressive, the friends tell Luisa they are headed on a road trip to a beautiful, secret beach called Boca del Cielo. Intrigued with their story and desperate to escape, Luisa asks if she can join them on their trip. Soon the three are headed out of Mexico City, making their way toward the fictional destination. Along the way, seduction, argument and the contrast of the trio against the harsh realities of the surrounding poverty ensue

Now the reason why all these locations are chosen is because it shows the journey the go through

Evaluation of Fragmental

Thursday 16 June 2011

Cinema Paradiso

We open up with a view from a young boy and his father in a room and the boy is functioning about with a camera film and straight away I get the idea of this boy becoming involved around the cinematic area because the kind of view we have is that when a child starts a talent or hobby from young there is a high chance of them becoming something with it when they grow up. The boy and his father are the people that work behind the showing of the film so this already gives us a clue that the boy has interest in the cinema area and that he is going to carry it on further in the future.

From the beginning the music that is played through out is very gentle and kind of jolly / loving and that's what this film is many about and the song itself has a nice gentle violin playing throughout and it makes it so peaceful and brings around the vibe of a nice loving & adventurous film to the audience.
Now us thinking that cinema is his only first love the clip cuts into when he's grown up which is part of the editing because they didn't show any steps of his growing up it just went straight to it and the narrator himself says "unforgettable romance" which then changes our perspective around because there is an girl involved which is most probably his first lady love so then 2 loves play a role in his life.

The fades that we see in this trailer of the couple kissing and then the boy running up the stairs and the knocking at the door is showing how he has this incredible love and affection for this girl because its his first lady love and he would chase her just the way he would for his cinema love.
And we see more edit uses of cut in when the girl is departing away in the car and then the boy is all depressed and lonely. When he is sitting by himself in the corner in that dark little area we can tell that this boy really lost this girl that he loved with all his heart.
And the only way he can look back at her is by using is skills that he has used from the cinema works to play back recorded clips of her.
Now comparing this rites of passage in contrast to Y tu mama tambien there is a lot we can say because the way Y tu mama tambien is set out is very extraordinary and even the story line is different. The first love these 2 teenager seem to meet is this older woman and they both seem to have some kind of feelings for her and its expressed to various ways in this clip but if we compare it we can see that the editing in these clips are very different because the editing in Y tu mama tambien shows how they went through the stage to the stage to end up on this road trip and it didn't wizz though it as fast as it did in Paradiso. And Y tu mama tambien is very wild and exposing because they are like Ferris more of the fun and crazy type of teenagers were by in Paradiso when he was a teen he was more calm and more into the romance scene but the first love in Y tu mama tambien and Paradiso really repel eachother because they are both shown in different ways like for instance the music that plays in Y tu mama tambien doesnt seem to evolve around love or romance or anything jolly at all but in Paradiso it does now in Y tu mama tambien the music is more of "go crazy , live your life" kinda music and that what makes one of them very different.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Ferris Bueller is looking forward to have his friend over so he gets himself ready to have more fun than he is already having because he told his friend to come over to his house. To keep him company and have fun but his friend is utterly ill so there is a change he might not come on the other hand Bueller did kind of push his friend into saying that he isn’t sick at all so I think his friend is going to end up leaving his bed and make his way to Bueller house which is probably the worse thing for him to do because he is so ill. Once his friend gets to Buellers house he will probably start getting very sick which might lead him to fainting or blacking out and then Bueller would have to call ambulance or something.

His mother is getting worried on what is going so I think she is going to end up leaving work to go check on Bueller because she is really doubting the whole situation of him being seriously ill. The reason why she is seriously doubting the situation is because the teacher is telling her how many times he been absent for which was apperently 9 times and it wasnt true so this put the mum in a position to go actually check on Ferris again.

The teacher in the classroom teaching will continue with his boring out calling and from the way the scene is set it shows that the whole lesson is going to be very dull because the atmosphere is dull and the students do not even seem to be alive in the class room itself.
As for Edward that spoke about Ferris's attendance I think he is going to research on how Ferris's hasn't been absent 9 times and he is going to look for anything to attack him with because the first time we meet both of these characters we get the idea that they are rivals/opposites and this is going to lead to the teacher looking for a lot of trouble.


Location in this clip plays a very important role in the opening scene we see his fancy "teenage" room and as soon Ferris's parents left his room and he sits up that's when the fun begins and by the look of his room we can see that he is a very explosive teenager which means that he does a lot and is very broad.  The props in his room all for example TV, Stereo Player , Guitar it all represents a "typical" teenager that would love to have to spend their days at home rather than college. 

However when it moves into the shot were we have the students in the class room we straight away get the idea of the contrast between his entertaining and lively house compared to his silent and dull classroom. We have the teacher who looks half alive and the one significant prop in the classroom is the chalk board because in any location chalk boards are old fashioned and it would mean that its very boring and it would most likely evolve around education areas which most of teenagers of today do not enjoy at all.

Then the shot were we see Ferris's friend's house which is also another importance for location because his room in this case looks very hi-tech and fashionable and whiles there on the phone we see the shot of Ferris laying back in his garden with his nice cocktail drink , big garden chair and this again we can see the contrast of how Ferri's house is fun & entertaining compared to his friend's house and that's also a reason why he his friend to come to his house to have a "fun day".

When we see his mother in the office she is represented as a high status woman because the location talks for it self she is in a office sitting behind her own desk and she has her own personal space in this office.
In the last shots it moves from the mothers office to ferris in his room to the dull lesson occurring in the classroom which all show that there is one story but the locations they are in show them all very different from eachother 

Monday 13 June 2011

Rite of Passage- Music
The reason why I went with the song is because
as soon as I heard it my heart teared to pieces it had some emotional effect on me and thats how my character is feeling. There going through the hardest moments and it doesnt happen to everyone in life but she tries to fight this problem however she can't because her soul has been taken from her and she is heartless all she think of is crying her self away.
This song represent all the emotion she is goin through and how no one understands her pain so she is just there by her self with no trueful and useful help.

This song is written about people that seem to look down on themselves but they need to know that by the end of the day they are beautiful in their own way and thats how my character felt she made a phobia for mirrors and couldnt stand looking at her self because she felt rotten and horrible.

Rite of Passage- Monologue

Jamila they call me but I personally think I have lost that name because things don’t feel the same I don’t feel like me any more.....Why do things like this happen in this world and it had to be the unlucky one.
I walk in the dark alleys of life and can’t stand looking at any human being not even my own mother. This uncomfortable feeling has wrapped me up in my own hell pit. My life freezes when I  thinks back on what happened but the thoughts can never be wiped away from my mind and system. Anyone that calls me gets a silent treatment and all I do is think of that moment when my life changed.

I think back and all I can hear is screaming and a man shouting but no one understands her emotions and feelings.
I thought GOD was watching my steps but I Guess not at that moment I feel like my soul has been taken from me and my joy has been TORN into pieces. I am Shattered and dead inside I can’t trust any human being at this moment of time. This is the life I will have to live for the rest of my life.

I can’t find my inner self and tears run down my face like a running tap but I don’t know what to do I am so confused that this is me that is going through all this in such a snap of time. My Mother  & Father are speechless and hurt and my siblings don’t know what occurred but I don’t want them to know they will see me different and most likely treat me differently.

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Well looking at what my group have produced I Noticed some very strong aspects in the sequence for instance we made use of different camera angles and we may them in variety shots.  What made me happy in this sequence is that the result of the sequence came out the way we wanted it to be shown to our target audience.                                                                          Also the sequence covers most of the media technical parts that we had to use however these were only the basic ones. The opening title and the end title were very attractive because it was the kind that wasn’t made before and the whole idea behind it made it look brilliant.
The opening sequence also contained some of the basic editing ways and we made very accurate use of them in this sequence. On the other hand what didn’t go so well is that a lot of the editing parts were the same but because of the sequence we couldn’t use many varieties at once to make it more interesting.