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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Film Review Research


I only did a few researches on Online film reviews because I needed a broader knowledge on how reviwes were written and then look at magazine film reviews to see what the layout are set out like therefore these researches on Online film reviews are only for a broader knowledge I did however look at a few of there styles because the template its too much differ from the magazine ones.

I didn’t want to approach the mega film magazine because that’s the usual so I went for the more lower class film magazines and one I found was called Eye for film.
This is company has a very simple layout for their reviews however its very good and easy readable.  It has its star rating and a simple cut out from the film it self to give the audience an insight of what the film is about if they haven’t seen it yet.
On the side there is a pink box with the main details of who was involved in creating the film director, writer, cast etc.

Future movies is another film magazine that has reviews that interest me and what gives its more flare is that its laid out very simple. All the main information about the film itself is laid out on the left hand side and the on the right hand side in the darker box there is the film details e.g. star ratings , director , cast.

BFI is an independent institute and our film would fall under that category so looking at the reviews on this website would be a great inspiration however the reviews on this website is way differ from the bigger film companies. These reviews are just clogged up with a load of information.

The style of writing often attempts to be humorous, especially when giving a negative review and this styles it out to make it more attractive to the readers. It is informal and easy to read, appealing to the mass market. The article is laid out in much the same way as a newspaper, with columns broken up by selected quotes.Total film reviews always have more than one image inserted which makes it interesting because there is a large amount of text and then the images balance it out.
 One unique feature of Total Film is the “predicted interest curve” which informs readers whether the film is interesting all the way through and I will be adding this into my magazine review as well because it gives the audience a another reason to watch it.

Most of the big articles have pictures from the film accompanying them, giving the reader a sense of the film’s mise-en-scene. They usually have some sort of catchy caption to it as well.
 This is another image of a review in total film magazine and this one shows the other similar films and to help the reader determine whether that particular film is one which they would like to see. This the kind of layout I will be going after.

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