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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Diary Entry 7

We are close to our shooting day only 8 days away and I feel like we are really ready however the only dilemma thats stopping us right now is a actress to play for Linda's role. We have asked many females but jobs , kids and other things just has them busy so were stuck here. However at last minute we resulted to get my mother to act as Linda in our short film she was busy with work but gave up her time to work along with us. Day 1 of shooting was challenging because our main actor 'John' was running late and we had to folllow our time scheme. Once he had arrived we went off shooting our film location was on school grounds and inside the media department were he bumps into the girl in the corridor.
We had to do various angles and had to keep reshooting over and over again it got quite annoying and tiring but it was for the best of it so we could have variety of shots for the editing process.
We faced challenges like public distrubances when we was shooting at Upney walk in Centre and we had to wait for people to clear out of the way so they wouldnt get caught in our shooting.
Another challenge we had is that the extras in our film for the school scene had to wait around for us to finish with John so they were getting quite impatient however as director I took controle over them and managed to get them to wait for a little while.
From my view Day 1 went smoother than I expected and we managed to finish early as well which gave us time to shoot some extra shots and all these extra shots would have came to use in our editing stage.

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