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This is my Media Blogg and I will be showing forth the best works of my abilty and I hope you enjoy my page. Thank You

Sunday 16 October 2011

Location Recce

In order to find the perfect locations to film for our product, we visited different places to carry out rehearsal shots and watch them back to see if they matched our story plot and whether they were safe/easy to film in. We carried out the same rehearsal shots in different locations to test the lighting, space, sound, framing and mise-en-scene. At the end we found the perfect location for our short film and everythign fitted in however we did have to make some changes on the scene. All of our crew and cast had a responsibility to ensure that a Risk Assessment was carried out. Failure to comply with this assessment could have lead to filming being halted while measures were taken or in extreme circumstances total cancelling of the shoot.
We made them aware of this because it is an important part of our work and production. Because of this we used a risk assessment in all of our shooting locations.

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