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This is my Media Blogg and I will be showing forth the best works of my abilty and I hope you enjoy my page. Thank You

Thursday 13 October 2011

Diary Entry 5

Now were on the last ends of pre-production which is planning out everything and making sure we are ready to shoot our short film . At this stage everything is looking perfectly fine and we are just scrolling through everything to make sure that its all in perfection before going out to shoot our short film.
In my view my group has been doing there best and have been progressing at a good stage but there's always room form improvements so we are just working on the little things and with feedback just making a few changes.
David is in charge of Casting and Rikita is in charge of Props and I am in charge of the Story board however as a group we all help eachother and make sure it looks of top standard and presentable.

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