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Friday 2 December 2011

My Poster Analysis

The colours in my poster are a mixture of black & white and then full colour and the reasons why I choose to use these colours is because I wanted to create that great impact on anyone that passed by the poster. The sense of black and white would make the public think what kind of “old film” is this but looking at the detail would reveal to them. And the use of original colour just to make it look modern and also appealing to the viewers eye because colour is what the human eyes catch first then shapes. The title of the poster is black simply because its isnt a fancy film so I kept the colour straight forward.

The symbols shown in this poster is pain and tragedy because of the way the images are portrayed and laid out. These symbols expose the genre to the audience more however the main figures in these posters are the characters displayed on the poster in this case its John, Colin & Mother Linda there are some objects which gives away what kind of environment plays in the film e.g. Poster 2 there is John sitting at the table with a cereal box and this sends the straight message of this scene being played in the morning at their house. All of these are represented photographically because the use of images delivers the message which is trying to be reached to the audience.
Messages in these posters are represented both visually and verbally because we have images which give in messages and then the tag lines and the extra comments from major labels also signify a message.

The intended target audience for this poster would be 15+ simple because it has a lot of drama and some kind of action involved and the immature mind wouldn’t be able to understand a film like this. The 3rd poster has the characters hugging each other and this symbolises a strong relationship between them two. It wouldn’t be right if the target audience was PG which is open to everyone because it isn’t that kind of Finding Nemo film or anything which a 5 year old child can sit , watch and understand.

These poster have a its own uniques style of attracting its target audience through various persuasive techinques. Firstly the layouts of the posters are very eye catching because I followed on how the orginal poster did there and looking at films of the same theme I caught many ideas on how to show forth these posters. Use of colour and contrast is a persuasive technique I inserted in because I knew that it was one of the main avenues to attract our audience and doing some quick research it has proven to work a bit.
Tag line , Text and Font these are other persuasive technique that a viewer would look at and this would decide wether they will be interested in watching the film or not.

When its down to genre its straight into drama and some even mentioned action however the main genre is drama and then if we break it down its also about relationships. The poster represents a lot of tragedy and this falls into drama. The USP of this poster is the design of the actual poster and how the characters are presented on poster is another USP because looking at the other posters that are out from amateurs film makers I personally feel that this one would be one of the oustanding film posters just because of the creativity put into it.

Expert witness "The poster design is brilliant however it has to look more of an drama genre"
                       "Real creativity inserted in this poster and the title font is good"

The poster promises a good film just becasue the way its been set out and its attractive from a far point of view. Studying other film posters I discovered what a good attractive selective film poster looks like and from that information I transformed it into my own poster for "Take the next Step"

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