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This is my Media Blogg and I will be showing forth the best works of my abilty and I hope you enjoy my page. Thank You

Thursday 15 December 2011

Blogg about Kidney Transplant

I did some research on other bloggs who related to Kidney Transplants and I came to a blogg which was set up by someone who had a family member going throught that process. They built up a blogg about how things went for them daily so its more a dairy for people to read but this helped me to see what people from the outer box saw.

The Woman who set up the Blogg (Christina) :
My daughter Sandra is a young vibrant mother of a 13 yearold daughter. Sandra was diagnosed with end stage renal failure in November 2005. She has since then had two surgeries to allow access for two different methods of dialysis. Her doctor says that her only chance to a "normal life" is a kidney transplant. As there can be up to a ten year wait on the transplant list, and no blood matches in the family, the transplant coordinator told us it is time to aggressively campaign for a living donor.

Welcome to my blog. I created this blog out of desperation to find a living kidney donor for my daughter. I also want to use my blog to bring awareness to the pain, dialysis patients suffer while waiting for years, for a kidney transplant. I hope, as people visit this place that they will realize how important it is to sign up as an organ donor. In some communities, it is enough to have a sticker on your drivers license. However, in other places, like my province, British Columbia, Canada, you have to be registered with the transplant society. Although this blog does not look like much right now, there will be a lot of information here as soon as I get more proficient in blogging. Christina

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