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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Size Dont Make a Man : Pitch Draft 1

Tagline: Size don't make a man

Pitch - Micheal Ginnigman, 15 years of age and seen as physically weak, often referred to as Twiggy in school he was bullied and picked on by the other students who saw him as target. That was untill he decided to prove his Manhood.

I feel that this pitch/storyline is quite different and allows us to use the four technical areas of camera,light,sound and mis-en-scene creatively in order to portray our film message across. We chose a simple story idea so that it will be possible to execute a realistic and meaning fully story instead of working on something tha maybe noone could relate to. So we decided to go with basic idead that to the potential to be filmed and views effectively.

Well I think this idea is really something I could work with because it’s a creative story line and it’s something I haven’t frequently seen in the film world so we would be bringing some new and talented to the table and this is only going to be a 5 minute opening so we won’t give too much away of the general story. And it’s this treatment has the potential to give us a boost have more to talk about in our evaluation questions because its broken down to be more of a visual piece of work and not really much based on sound. Which means that we going to have to make this visually very good to keep our audience in contact.

On the other hand because this treatment would be hard to show visually even though its a brilliant idea reasoning for this is because the subject matter is manhood and that would be hard to show.  If we don’t have the right person to play the character and represent the manhood progress then we won't have a successful film. 

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