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This is my Media Blogg and I will be showing forth the best works of my abilty and I hope you enjoy my page. Thank You

Friday 30 September 2011

Diary Entry 4

Now today we have officially started the planning of our film after all the research we had done on our decided subject matter which is still "Manhood". We have already created a rough story line which we are going to follow to portray Manhood.

As the first part of planning I had to create a Character Profile so we would all know who and what the characters are before we continue to the story line. We have 3 Main characters in this sequence and a few minor characters who just appear for a few seconds.

Next we had to create a first draft our script which wasn't the easiest thing to do however from our previous experience in year 12 we had a clear idea on what we had to make it look like so we did 2 drafts until we got the final piece which was corrected after we received feedback from various people who red it.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Film Script



JOHN walking outside of school not paying any attention to anything around him. He bumps into a girl. She looks up and curses him. He stops and he sees his brother COLIN who casually laughs at him and walks past as if they’re strangers. He stops as he begins to think about all the abuse he receives at school.

LINDA picks up a handful of letters, and browses through them until she comes across one that catches her eye labelled NHS. She hears someone come into the house, quickly hiding the letter she shouts out john? But then sees it is her eldest son COLIN, he can see through her eyes that she has something to tell him and ask what’s wrong she sits him down and tells him of the letter she received and how she is in desperate need of a kidney.
JOHN then comes home from school, he hears the conversation taking place in the living room and quietly approaches the doorway, he is unheard.

Kidney Transplant

Who Me?

COLIN then storms out the room heading for the front door, barging JOHN on the way he leaves.
LINDA drops into the sofa chair and begins to weep, COLIN then slowly walks in and tries to console mother but she politely brushes him off and instead asks what he wants for dinner.



JOHN walks in.




LINDA is at home watching TV, the phone rings and she goes to pick it up without any interest, After 30 seconds of conversation she drops the phone in excitement and calls down JOHN.


JOHN hears his mother call and casually walks downstairs.


LINDA embraces JOHN and tell him she had a kidney donor.

I wonder who was man enough to do this.

LINDA hurries off to inform family and friends, leaving JOHN to smile to h mimself.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Sunday 18 September 2011

Research: University Of Maryland Medical Centre

This is another video I looked at based on kidney transplants and it really helped me look at the in depth topic of kidney transplant to give me a specific idea on how it occurs in real life.
This led me unto doing research on UMMC ( University Of Maryland Medical Centre) which is one of the largest transplant programs in the world because this is an american audience it gave me insight on how other countries take this issue in.
Looking at this University shows me that the affects behind transplants are very big and in that case I wanted to make sure I had the right information before we went forth a produced a film that would have kidney transplants involved.
And also had to look at the feedback of the patients on the page so I would know how the actors/actress will have to act out after the whole transplant is admitted and successfull because there will be an extreme excitement and joy after it which we will have to portray in the right manner.

Feedback 1 : First Film Ideas

Sienna - " I like it because of comedy aspect, doesnt sound original, so how would you show in different way"
Josh- " I think it's good, sounds impossible, seems difficult and turning to god may be hard to show.
Abigail- " Too much to fit into a film,man turning into a boy is enough without turning to god"
Ms Nair-" I agree that its different, look into the name of the condition. Finding the actor may be difficult, do research about someone who could be in the film. God thing doesnt really fit it well" Wont be as straight forward and many pratical issues to deal with
  • Like the idea but the journey part would be very hard to show and dont have the right equipment to get all that done.
  • Dont put im the religious part it makes it too difficult but could be done
  • Make sure this whole sequence would be able to be shown in 5 minutes
  • The idea does link in with Manhood

Friday 16 September 2011

Pitch + Treatment 1

Pitch + Treatment 2

30 going on 13

Target audience: 15+
Any Sex / Ethnicity

Shooting locations: School room but run it into a private room
This idea touches the aspects of searching for his manhood because
He is a grown man in a 13 year olds body and he hasn’t developed yet.

Feedback 2

Josh- Strong narrative, got a very good base and open for creativity
Abigail- Good idea, unexpected twist, original story, creative.
Heena- Good narrative, concerned about time management may not be able to fit with narrative
Ms Nair- Simple, quite typical, "steer away from the bullying"

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Size Dont Make a Man : Pitch Draft 1

Tagline: Size don't make a man

Pitch - Micheal Ginnigman, 15 years of age and seen as physically weak, often referred to as Twiggy in school he was bullied and picked on by the other students who saw him as target. That was untill he decided to prove his Manhood.

I feel that this pitch/storyline is quite different and allows us to use the four technical areas of camera,light,sound and mis-en-scene creatively in order to portray our film message across. We chose a simple story idea so that it will be possible to execute a realistic and meaning fully story instead of working on something tha maybe noone could relate to. So we decided to go with basic idead that to the potential to be filmed and views effectively.

Well I think this idea is really something I could work with because it’s a creative story line and it’s something I haven’t frequently seen in the film world so we would be bringing some new and talented to the table and this is only going to be a 5 minute opening so we won’t give too much away of the general story. And it’s this treatment has the potential to give us a boost have more to talk about in our evaluation questions because its broken down to be more of a visual piece of work and not really much based on sound. Which means that we going to have to make this visually very good to keep our audience in contact.

On the other hand because this treatment would be hard to show visually even though its a brilliant idea reasoning for this is because the subject matter is manhood and that would be hard to show.  If we don’t have the right person to play the character and represent the manhood progress then we won't have a successful film. 

Other films and pitches

A multimedia background story for the three girls murdered in Will's 
One area three girls and 3 different stories and one Murder story still upto today many wonder what had happened to these 3 girls. Someone was watching them they were being followed for some reason.

In a world that judges people by their number, Zero faces constant prejudice and persecution. He walks a lonely path until a chance encounter changes his life forever: he meets a female zero. Together they prove that through determination, courage, and love, nothing can be truly something.


           After finding a mysterious photo, Dewey struggles with his newly discovered destiny.

I looked at 3 different short films which gave me ideas on how other genre of short films were created and what kind of codes and conventions they followed but this made me improve on our ideas because it showed me what I shouldnt do. Our genre was challenging to find within short films but it didnt stop me from looking at other short films. I also added pitches underneath the each clip because films always have pitches its part of the whole distribution progress.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Pitch Draft 1

Tagline - An adults mentality in a child's body

Pitch - Lewis Hilton a man inside a boys body, having to go through life wihtout the natural pride of a man, he faces trials and tribulation that break him deep inside he looks for answers everywhere except the one place whih can provide him the help he needs.

My personal thoughts on this treatment is that its also another bright idea and its something unique our group could work on to produce a great short film from. The whole idea of an adults mentality in a child's body is really common in our world today so its a subject matter we can touch on properly and also do further research on.
There reason why I say this would be a good story is because you could get anyone our age to act it out and it would come out looking good or we could even get some one younger to be the character we had described.
Now things that would be a problem in this case would be how to show forth the whole image of a adults mentality in a child's body without using to much dialogue to give ti all away because visually would make it a more successful film.

Treatment 1

This treatment I came up with is simple but tragic basically
There is married couple and the husband is a military man and he is called
out to go fight in the war against Afghanistan for UK. The tragedy starts from
there were by the wife is left along and she is pregnant as well however
he's been sent out to go fight several small wars but had returned home
nice and safely to see his wife's face again.
Therefore this puts the wife in a secure mood that she will find
her husband back at home in 3 months time so she hugs him goodbye.
And we just see a few little scenes of the wife just doing her own things
and we hear radio reports in the background. Then a few days later
the radio reports soldiers dead from a striking bazooka attack.
Then names were being mentioned but she didn't pay much of attention
because the Radio was just on but the announcer stop and said
"I personally had a good friend in the Army and his name was John Walkers "
And the wife just stopped and froze reasoning because she just heard her husbands name
so she ran up to the radio and turned it full volume and the announcer continued speaking
"His name was John Walkers a real true soldier who survived like Rambo but today John showed me something I will never forget which was being a hero"
She sat there and thought why is he saying all these good things about him
then "John Walkers is now at rest in Heaven I will miss you brother , I pray for your wife back home that she will survive like you did"
Her eyes started watering and she broke down and the only thought coming into her head were angry thoughts so she started smashing up the room and throwing items around and loudly crying.

Monday 12 September 2011

Diary Entry 3

Today I just look at couple of little videos to refresh my mind after the long holiday
I got a few ideas to bring to the board but It wasn't exactly the bright Idea so I
just continued searching through YouTube to find some little clips relating to
War, Growing Up and Saying Goodbye to people.
One brilliant Music clip I found made me realise that with only sound we
can do a lot of things.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Manhood Questionnaire

I created a questionnaire relating to Manhood to find out how males felt about mahood and their personal definitions. These 4 questions would open a gate way for us to have more views to create our short film based on our target audience feedback. I pasted in 2 of the best anwsers I got back from two males who have gone through there stage of manhood and are still experiencing it day by day.