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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Films On War: The Synopsis

The Synopsis is that a man has been ordered to go to war to fight germans and he leaves his wife and kid back home and looks to return back home nice and safely however that turns out to be something else because he didnt know that it was going to be that hard and violent so they was commanded to get of the beach and he was one of the few left that were alive but then his time came and he got shot to death on the beach.  He imagines the perfect return home from the war, greeted by loved ones and wearing his new medal of honour (the victoria cross). Sadly, his true fate lies on the sands of Juno Beach with many of his fellow comrades.

This short film is brilliant because it brings so much emotion and message in the maximum space of 2 minutes.
The clip is called Love & Death and that falls into our subject matter as well because it was to do with "War, Family & Manhood" Which is shown throughout this clip.
The cinematography is very is excellent because we can see that the whole clip is based in black & white which signifies that its based in the olden days before proper colour would have existed.

Camera shots are very good in this clip because most of the shots are close up and it shows the exact features and props on this clip which makes the viewer pay more attention on whats happening.
We see close up shots of the Soldier's wife and his son and it bring the spirit of love and unity together and then we see the mid shots + close up shots of the war fields were the soldiers are shooting for their lives and the close up shots show the facial expressions of most of the soldiers. The shots in this clip are very quick and there is no slow action or movement shown because things like this happen very fast in reality.
The camera puts us in the position were by we feel like were on the battle field as well because the camera runs along with them and it also its very fast on the moment and looks down on the other soldiers running and I personally thought that it was awesome and very greatly caputered.

Sound in this clip is very affective because we don't have any music playing but the gun clapping sounds and the screaming of the soldiers shows exactly what there going through because thats the things that happen on a war battle field but this clip was made so affective that even without sound you would really understand how affective it is.

Narrative is told my the narrator which is the man on the battlefield he expected to come back home nice and safely to see his family again but it turned out the be something else. The narrative is very good because its a real life situation and it still happens in our today world. We still see on the news how people in the Uk loose their family in war.

We first see the train station as the first Location and then we can see the features of the train and the driver which makes the location more noticable and the sound of the train sound also exposes to us that its a train platform. As soon as the soldier steps out of the train we find him on the deathly battle field were everything is about running and shooting wether you make it alive or not you must have done something. We do not see the whole field but we do see part of the grass field and a bit of the sand and that shows us that this place is isolated from the world. Its the place were the living end up dead if they dont watch out and these 2 locations are very important because the soldier thought he would be going back on the train and destinate and the platform were he would have seen his wife but thats not what happened at all.

This clip has really spoken to me and how we as a group can make an affective short film.

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