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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Diary Entry 1 -

I brainstormed the best Subject matters with David and it came to conclusion that I was going to search on War and within that Topic its about how people react to people's death at or in war.
For example I got a BBC new article of how a Mother lost her son who was in the Army and got Shot to death in Afghanistan. Her overall reaction was very tragic because she never wanted him to go to Afghanistan however it was his duty to.
So now its up to me to explore more about this Subject matter because it happens alot and also I have a older brother who is in the Netherlands Army and he was in the Afghanistan a few months ago so its something I can personally relate to as well to be bringing forth the best ideas for our film.
The subject matter is very crucial because some people do not realise what other people go through during hard times like this and its a every day based experience + every year we hold a silent for the people that died in was. It all signified with a "Poppy" and ut all gives

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