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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Diary Entry 2

Today I decided to get more into the manhood subject and I just looked as several movies on Tv just to see if there was any that related to Manhood.
  1. The state or time of being an adult male human.
  2. The composite of qualities, such as courage, determination, and vigor, often thought to be appropriate to a man.
  3. Adult males considered as a group; men.
  4. The state of being human.
These are there the points that I stated reasoning with my Older friend who is now an adult and he explained to me the different stages he went through to become a man he is now and all that is part of Manhood.
I questioned not only films and theories but I also questioned men that I had around me

Sunday 17 July 2011

Research : Trey Songz : Yo Side of The Bed (Music Video)

This Music video opened my eye to see that "Manhood" can be broken down by a woman and that shows a lot of affection. In our story we want to show the step into manhood however this is the complete opposite which means he steps down from his manhood and looking at a video clip like this we can see what exactly we should and shouldnt do to create that impact on taking a step in Manhood. 

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Inspiration from Paintings

La Vie (Life) 1903 - Picasso

As soon as I saw this painting by Picasso the first thing that came to my head was "Affair&Adultery". This is what made me see the idea of the Man hood because it feels like the whole story in this painting is about a man cheating on his wife who has his child.
The colours in this painting a very dull its not bright at all we can see very dark dull blue with grey and white. The colours really bring out the mood in this painting because I could notice that the whole situation is extreme bad and the Male is in the wrong that's why he's hiding away from his original wife.
The woman in the robe with her baby is dressed in  a darker blue which could represent the kind of grief and anger she is going through because she is seeing something that she wasn't expecting from her husband. He restricted his palette to predominately cold colours suggestive of night, mystery, dreams, and death. And this falls into testing Loyalty & Manhood because if he was a great man of loyalty he would have rejected the girl and stayed loyal to his own wife.
Tone's in this painting is very dark and the only light tone we could see in this painting is the tone of the nude male & female's body and also the baby is covered in white material which is also in a light tone because it stands out from what the Woman's dressing it signifies that the baby plays an important role which is that the Male is failing to show loyalty to both of them especially a baby that he has to be raising up.
The painting objects we find in the background are really strongly represented because both the paintings in the background show that the male & female that are having an affair have been hiding.
The body compositions are both really curled up and that shows that there is shame and that they are both afraid of something and that's the same way they are both represented in the painting of them facing the wife and baby.
World of the painting is really about Affair,Loyalty,Family & Manhood because all of these are brought out in this painting the way the colour , tone and lightings are shown gives us a bright idea that the world of this painting is very bad and tragic.
Location would have most probably been in the male & female (with the baby) house's because they seemed to be the married couple and the male is the one that is cheating on his wife.
La Vie means Life and Picasso literately meant that things like this happen in life and I do agree that this is also another way of Testing a man of his Manhood.
Picasso made this painting in 1901, depressed over the suicide of a close friend.

Massacre in Korea 1951- Picasso
Massacre in Korea is a 1951 expressionistic painting by Pablo Picasso which is seen as a criticism of American intervention in the Korean War.
I didn't have to read any information or know the name of this painting to notice the story of this painting the first thing that came to my head was "WAR" and this was because the people in weapons are represented as an army and especially because they are all holding weapons and have some kind of armour on it brings out the idea more them being in some kind of war.

The colours in this image are more bright on the background / location but the actual characters in the painting have a very dull touch of grey/dark blue and 
white on them. The surface there standing on has a bit of green & yellow on the soldier's side and the civilians have a mixture of red & orange and also there background has some bright colours in them.
In this painting we do have various people in them and the people on the right hand side are the practically the soldiers formed in a army and the people on the left hand side seem to be the civilians or citizens of the place who are about he get attacked.
The world of the painting is really aggressive and tragic because we have naked group of men who are armed with weapons & protection against naked people who have nothing but fear.
And because this painting is about the Korean war it felt to my senses that it could relate to our subject matter because the layout of the painting also shows how some people in our today society die at war because they are attacked unexpectedly. 
The location looks like a place were the civilians would have lived and that the army came running up on them in their own place.

<<This is the original painting of the piece but this was made by

Francisco de Goya

But Picasso made his own version but also in this one we can see the 
same message as picasso's version of the painting.

The facial expressions on the people faces look very horrified,scared and worried because they are being attacked by this army which they have nothing against. The tone are very diverse in this painting because we have to very light parts then we have the darker bits in the image for example the body parts of the people in this painting are very dark and it has the shadows are represented in a dark colour because shadows are simply dark in reality.

Seeing this image I straight away thought about manhood because this image shows some kind of man power that just stood out to my eyes and the fact the man is wearing a helmet and has wings makes him look like some kind of warrior / soldier.
Now this image has no diverse colours in it its simple grey & dark tones of white & black but the way this is shown is affective because the wing is very dark and the footwear is also darkly represented and those are like the important features on him. His wings seem to represent his right arm because he hasn't got one and the wing is positioned in that place.

Object that we can see is him standing on a piece of rock and the helmet are the only objects on this painting. 
The world of this painting is more about a strong and independent man 
and this is probably as the reason why its called Winged Hero.
Being a hero plays a big role in testing your manhood because many men have done something heroic to prove there manhood.  
The artist perspective is very different to what I see it as and it made me think that his Idea of the painting is very different because he looked at it from a different sight & he was from a older era with a different mind set.

 The etchings in his early series, Inventions, demonstrate Klee's ability to manipulate line and tonal value to create a figure with strange and grotesque limbs. An artist's inscription in the bottom right corner of the picture explains the underlying concept: "Because this man was born with one wing, he believed he could fly. His attempts, of course, have only resulted in crashes and a broken left arm and leg." The strange creature could very well represent a kind of self-portrait of the typical progressive artist at the turn of the 20th century, perpetually pursuing his full potential while repeatedly struggling against public incomprehension or apathy.

The theme behind this image would have Being a man , Hero and Independence 

This painting falls straight into one of our subject matter which is the reaction of loosing people at war and this shows how some of the war occurs.
This is the actual story of the image The Zulu army had been so successful at Isandlwana, that its reserve force was not even brought into action. It was this part of the Zulu army that was sent to pursue the handful of British survivors. These survivors did not get any further then the old mission station of Rorke’s drift, before the Zulu's were upon them. 

Here they joined the British soldiers that were guarding the mission station that now acted as a supply depot and a small hospital. A fierce battle followed between the 145 defenders of Rorke’s drift and 4,000 Zulu warriors. After ten hours of ferocious fighting, the Zulu’s gave up and just disappeared.  

The colours in this painting are very bright and it shows that it isn't the best event happening but the colours boost more affect to the painting. 

Film On Manhood

These are the first out line films I looked at based on Manhood which were like fighting films

He gets challenged to a main fight to see if he is really as strong as he claims to be and there Manhood falls in because when it comes to challenges or battle to show how strong and powerful you are then your man hood is  being out to test.

However I discovered that our film wont have any kind of violence included but this will open my mind on how to look at films and also how to create that Manhood effect in our short film.

This film fighting is targeted to a 18+ Male audience who like to see men fight eachother for one or another reason and discovered this audience because of how the film is made and shown and also the poster has a very male mature aspect to it.

Films On War: The Synopsis

The Synopsis is that a man has been ordered to go to war to fight germans and he leaves his wife and kid back home and looks to return back home nice and safely however that turns out to be something else because he didnt know that it was going to be that hard and violent so they was commanded to get of the beach and he was one of the few left that were alive but then his time came and he got shot to death on the beach.  He imagines the perfect return home from the war, greeted by loved ones and wearing his new medal of honour (the victoria cross). Sadly, his true fate lies on the sands of Juno Beach with many of his fellow comrades.

This short film is brilliant because it brings so much emotion and message in the maximum space of 2 minutes.
The clip is called Love & Death and that falls into our subject matter as well because it was to do with "War, Family & Manhood" Which is shown throughout this clip.
The cinematography is very is excellent because we can see that the whole clip is based in black & white which signifies that its based in the olden days before proper colour would have existed.

Camera shots are very good in this clip because most of the shots are close up and it shows the exact features and props on this clip which makes the viewer pay more attention on whats happening.
We see close up shots of the Soldier's wife and his son and it bring the spirit of love and unity together and then we see the mid shots + close up shots of the war fields were the soldiers are shooting for their lives and the close up shots show the facial expressions of most of the soldiers. The shots in this clip are very quick and there is no slow action or movement shown because things like this happen very fast in reality.
The camera puts us in the position were by we feel like were on the battle field as well because the camera runs along with them and it also its very fast on the moment and looks down on the other soldiers running and I personally thought that it was awesome and very greatly caputered.

Sound in this clip is very affective because we don't have any music playing but the gun clapping sounds and the screaming of the soldiers shows exactly what there going through because thats the things that happen on a war battle field but this clip was made so affective that even without sound you would really understand how affective it is.

Narrative is told my the narrator which is the man on the battlefield he expected to come back home nice and safely to see his family again but it turned out the be something else. The narrative is very good because its a real life situation and it still happens in our today world. We still see on the news how people in the Uk loose their family in war.

We first see the train station as the first Location and then we can see the features of the train and the driver which makes the location more noticable and the sound of the train sound also exposes to us that its a train platform. As soon as the soldier steps out of the train we find him on the deathly battle field were everything is about running and shooting wether you make it alive or not you must have done something. We do not see the whole field but we do see part of the grass field and a bit of the sand and that shows us that this place is isolated from the world. Its the place were the living end up dead if they dont watch out and these 2 locations are very important because the soldier thought he would be going back on the train and destinate and the platform were he would have seen his wife but thats not what happened at all.

This clip has really spoken to me and how we as a group can make an affective short film.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Diary Entry 1 -

I brainstormed the best Subject matters with David and it came to conclusion that I was going to search on War and within that Topic its about how people react to people's death at or in war.
For example I got a BBC new article of how a Mother lost her son who was in the Army and got Shot to death in Afghanistan. Her overall reaction was very tragic because she never wanted him to go to Afghanistan however it was his duty to.
So now its up to me to explore more about this Subject matter because it happens alot and also I have a older brother who is in the Netherlands Army and he was in the Afghanistan a few months ago so its something I can personally relate to as well to be bringing forth the best ideas for our film.
The subject matter is very crucial because some people do not realise what other people go through during hard times like this and its a every day based experience + every year we hold a silent for the people that died in was. It all signified with a "Poppy" and ut all gives