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Thursday 11 August 2011

My First Treatment Idea

Your side of the bed

This treatment I came up with is simple but tragic basically
There is married couple and the husband is a military man and he is called
out to go fight in the war against Afghanistan for UK. The tragedy starts from
there were by the wife is left along and she is pregnant as well however
he's been sent out to go fight several small wars but had returned home
nice and safely to see his wife's face again.
Therefore this puts the wife in a secure mood that she will find
her husband back at home in 3 months time so she hugs him goodbye.
And we just see a few little scenes of the wife just doing her own things
and we hear radio reports in the background. Then a few days later
the radio reports soldiers dead from a striking bazooka attack.
Then names were being mentioned but she didn't pay much of attention
because the Radio was just on but the announcer stop and said
"I personally had a good friend in the Army and his name was John Walkers "
And the wife just stopped and froze reasoning because she just heard her husbands name
so she ran up to the radio and turned it full volume and the announcer continued speaking
"His name was John Walkers a real true soldier who survived like Rambo but today John showed me something I will never forget which was being a hero"
She sat there and thought why is he saying all these good things about him
then "John Walkers is now at rest in Heaven I will miss you brother , I pray for your wife back home that she will survive like you did"
Her eyes started watering and she broke down and the only thought coming into her head were angry thoughts so she started smashing up the room and throwing items around and loudly crying.

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